Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Personal Style

Chris Clark - Color Code Analysis - Page 9 of 27
> Your Personal Style as a CORE BLUE
(Part 1)

Chris, as a BLUE, more than anything else life can offer, you want to love and be loved. You may even sacrifice a successful career to improve an important relationship. For you, life is far more about relationships and meaning than creating empires, riches, and fame. You are highly gifted in nurturing, mentoring, and developing others. Once considered predominately a female characteristic, true nurturing and mentoring is more accurately understood as an innate personality trait—more specifically, your innate BLUE personality trait.

You crave being understood and will often go to extreme measures to help others desire to know you and know why you think and behave as you do. You feel gratified when others listen to your story. You are notorious for your candor and willingness to share – even to the tune of publicly revealing your inadequacies – because you value being known and understood so much. In your eyes, being vulnerable is a small price to pay for the chance to connect emotionally. You may have your heart broken more than most people because of your depth, but you also spend more time in love.

As a BLUE, you are motivated by altruism. You love to do nice things for others. You look for opportunities to give up something in order to bring happiness to another person. Selflessness rather than selfishness is your guiding philosophy. As with most BLUES, you prefer doing for others more than solely for yourself. You may, for instance, hold doors open for people, offer a ride when someone’s car breaks down, contribute to charities, or devote your entire life to helping others.

You need to be remembered and appreciated. With most BLUES, a simple pat on the back will not suffice. You expend such great effort in making the world a better place that sometimes you need to be told how much you are appreciated for your thoughtful gestures and what a difference you make in others’ lives. You may feel somewhat awkward but always enjoy knowing at the end of the day that you truly are a wonderful human being and make a tremendous contribution. Sometimes you need this because you are so tough on yourself internally. Despite your amazing care-giving and genuine commitment to bless the lives of others, you are terribly hard on yourself. You appreciate a sincere thank you, especially when genuinely linked to something or someone you value or have tried to assist. The key word here is “sincere.” Anything less is hollow and lacks depth.

For you, life is best experienced with a personal connection. You delight in being remembered on your birthday and other special days, especially if the remembrance is personal. You need to be cared for and have others in your life that you care about. Life is measured more in people of substance than material possessions. Only when you have been hurt too deeply will you (and your fellow BLUES) abandon your deep commitment to people and your own personal development. (Sadly, society has done little to see the world and value life on the terms of BLUE men, but many BLUE men have remained determined to experience life according to their powerful intuitive “gut instincts” and refused to abdicate personal relationships for professional careers. Even at the office, they continue to cherish those who have mentored them as well as those they have been honored to mentor.) In the end, not much more matters to you.

As a BLUE, you are motivated to behave in a proper, appropriate manner. You have a moral code that guides you in your decision-making, value judgments, and your leisure time. You actually enjoy “being good.” Of all the personality colors, you come best equipped with the strongest sense of integrity. You would rather lose than cheat and are very trustworthy. If leadership were solely a function of ethics, you would always be in a position of power.

What "Color" are you? Click here for the Color Code Personality Test

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