Sunday, September 28, 2008

Natural EQ Competency

Chris Clark - Color Code Analysis - Page 14 of 27
> Your Natural Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Competency – EMPATHY

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has captured the interest of research over the past century, illustrating critical capabilities for work and life success. In fact, one recent study conducted by Harvard University provided evidence that your EQ is four times more critical than your IQ in determining professional success and prestige.

Simply stated, EQ is concerned with your ability to know when and how to express and/or control your emotions, as well as how effectively you get along with other people. Legitimate EQ requires self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

An accurate self-awareness is the most difficult EQ competency to master and usually comes from efforts paid toward developing an honest self-appraisal. The other four EQ elements fall innately into the four Color-Coded personalities.

As a BLUE, Chris, you are most innately gifted in EMPATHY and least natural in SELF-REGULATION. Your emotional make-up allows you great insight into how others are feeling but challenges your ability to handle frustrations, anger, and control your emotions well. You will find WHITES most helpful in developing this essential EQ capability.

What "Color" are you? Click here for the Color Code Personality Test


Anonymous said...

It's true, more and more people talk about emotional intelligence, maybe not in the exact same words but where ever you look, you'll hear something about people's relationships, the way somebody handled a certain situation, the emotional challenges we encounter on a day to day basis. The more we talk about it, the more we learn about it. What I find as an advantage about emotional intelligence is, I think, that we can expand it more than our IQ, and it's easier to improve ourselves in that domain.

Bob Tetu said...

Here's a twist on emotional intelligence...

One of my own personality traits is a willingness to make a decision and a willingness to let others make a decision. Through participation in leadership training, I have discovered that I am truly neutral on this issue whereas most people have a bias one way or the other.

This is very empowering. For me electing to decide myself or electing to allow another individual or group to decide is driven by whichever choice will yield the best result and the most buyin.