Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Personal Style 2

Chris Clark - Color Code Analysis - Page 10 of 27
> Your Personal Style as a CORE BLUE
(Part 2)

For you, loyalty is unquestionable. You thrive in committed relationships and can be counted on to perform your duties without exception. You often exceed others’ expectations in your job performance because you deem the quality of your work to be indicative of your loyalty to your peers, subordinates, boss, and self. Quality is your middle name, and therefore, you struggle when others ask you to “cut corners” or produce an inferior product. You are highly dependable, often exceeding the hours expected in order to complete assignments.

You enjoy a tremendous advantage over other personalities in the category of empathy. When others share an experience with you, you are able to feel what they are, or were, feeling at that time. People often comment on how caring you are and how much they appreciate you for your depth of understanding. Feeling compassion for others is not a difficult stretch regardless of your own limited-life experience. You tend to remember feelings and thoughts shared in conversation and are willing to give conversations time to run their course. You often invite deep conversation.

Of course, as with all gifts, there is a dark side. With your great sensitivity comes your own need for others to behave in a caring manner when you share yourself. You are highly vulnerable to personalizing comments and actions, which you deem insensitive by others. You are notorious for getting caught up in emotional “spin cycles.” When you are unable to “get a grip,” you should seek rational insight and advice from your more logical friends.

You are very exact in your work and find details an important aspect of your daily routine. It frustrates you when others refuse to take the time to be properly organized and live life on your “higher plane.”

One of the more interesting paradoxes you exude comes in your tremendous sense of organization and attention to detail, while being strongly driven by your emotions. You are deeply emotional as opposed to logical, but because of your tremendous analytical skills you often err in thinking of yourself as logical versus emotional (especially BLUE men). Nice try. You are, and forever will be, ruled by your heart – unless you foolishly cut off your “gut instincts” – because of previous life trauma from personal relationships. Even then, your logical orientation merely becomes a mask hiding the true depth of your remarkable emotional aptitude.

You like to do the work “right” and can struggle with delegating to others who may not share your same enthusiasm for quality. You willingly sacrifice personal time in order to stick with a project until it is completed according to your pecifications. Only then can you let it go and enjoy yourself without worry. Learning to delegate will be one of your life challenges. Embrace it early so you can breathe easier and enjoy life more abundantly.

What "Color" are you? Click here for the Color Code Personality Test

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