Saturday, September 20, 2008


Chris Clark - Color Code Analysis - Page 5 of 27
> Demographics

Our studies indicate that while different cultures promote and value different colors (core personalities), the general population in each culture runs true to the following percentages:

These percentages vary widely by profession because certain job responsibilities and performance expectations match better (or worse) with various personality types. People are naturally attracted to work that best suits their unique skills and personal preferences.

Color-coding breathes simplicity into your relationships. It is the most self-validated profile in existence. With the info you now posess, you can discover who you innately are, understand why you choose certain behaviors, and learn how you can begin to change to enhance the quality of your relationships – all in a single sitting.

What "Color" are you? Click here for the Color Code Personality Test

1 comment:

LoriOnMaui said...

This looks like a great way to relate to people better. I've used a similiar "color coding" system for years and it really helps to know what motivates someone when you are developing a relationship with them! Great stuff!
Lori On Maui