Thursday, October 9, 2008

Relationship Tips

Chris Clark - Color Code Analysis - Page 25 of 27
> Tips for Creating Effective Relationships

Consider the following tips when communicating and interacting with other colors:

  1. Accept their individuality.
  2. Create an informal, relaxed setting.
  3. Combine firmness with kindness.
  4. Always react gently.
  5. Show patience, try not to rush them.
  6. Look for nonverbal clues.
  7. Hear them out; listen quietly and carefully.

  1. Be cruel or insensitive.
  2. Expect them to need much social interaction.
  3. Force immediate verbal expression.
  4. Be domineering or too intense.
  5. Overwhelm them with too much at once.
  6. Force confrontation.
  7. Take away all their daydreams.

  1. Present facts and figures.
  2. Be direct, brief, and specific.
  3. Present issues logically.
  4. Emphasize productivity and efficiency.
  5. Articulate your feelings clearly.
  6. Support their leadership instincts.
  7. Support their correct decisions.

  1. Embarrass them in front of others.
  2. Argue from an emotional perspective.
  3. Be slow and indecisive.
  4. Always use an authoritarian approach.
  5. Wait for them to ask your opinion.
  6. Take their arguments personally.
  7. Demand constant social interaction.

  1. Take a positive, upbeat approach.
  2. Offer praise and appreciation.
  3. Accept some playful teasing.
  4. Encourage them to enjoy their work.
  5. Encourage their verbal self-expression.
  6. Reinforce trust with appropriate physical gestures.
  7. Value their social interaction skills.

  1. Be too serious in criticism.
  2. Ignore them.
  3. Forget that they have “down” times, too.
  4. Expect them to dwell on problems.
  5. Attack their sensitivity or be unforgiving.
  6. Totally control their schedules/time.
  7. Give them too much rope (or they may hang themselves).

  1. Show appreciation.
  2. Take a sensitive approach.
  3. Demonstrate sincerity.
  4. Limit their perceived exposure to risk.
  5. Help them feel secure.
  6. Promote their creative efforts.
  7. Be loyal.

  1. Make them feel guilty.
  2. Be rude or abrupt.
  3. Expect spontaneity.
  4. Promote too much change.
  5. Expect them to bounce back easily from depression.
  6. Expect them to forgive quickly.
  7. Abandon them.

What "Color" are you? Click here for the Color Code Personality Test

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